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Today, I am Tethered.

There is a much to be said about the way a familiar scent can invoke comfort, calm and warmth to the soul. The same feeling that is brought by sitting in the stillness of nature, and the magic way it has for bringing you home. Today, I am tethered to a deep rooted place where…

You do not need other people’s permission to end a toxic relationship.

As I look back over my relationships throughout my adult life, I realise I am finally at that place where I can be proud of myself for where I am today – especially when it comes to my love life. Relationships are complex and whether it’s family, friendships or personal partnerships, a lot of our…

Why do we dumb down our worth?

I did something for myself tonight. It’s been a long time coming, and it’s not all so often that I put myself out there in life. I can only assume that I have been the metaphorical simmering pot, my needs have been pushed back but have been bubbling away every so slowly until one day,…

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